Creepypasta Wiki

It's almost Halloween again, so I thought it would be interesting and exciting to hold the first ever Creepypasta Wiki Writing Contest. Since this is the first contest, it will be a moderately simple one to gauge how well this will be received and what needs to be changed/improved for the next one(s). So, without further ado, I present you with THE RULES:

  1. Method of Entry: Post on this blog, in the comments section with either "Title" or "Picture" to enter. After doing so, I will either post a TWO WORD TITLE for your story or link you to an image, both of which will be the basis for your story. Anything other than TITLE or PICTURE posted in the comments will be deleted. If you wish to discuss the contest, wait for me to make the Official Entry Page and comment there or post on my talk page with questions/comments. One Title OR Picture choice per user.
  2. Entry Method: Once you have written your masterpiece, simply post it on the wiki and tag it with the category "CPWH11" to finalize your submission. Only do so when your piece is fully finished and edited. Submissions will be ADMIN-LOCKED to prevent vandalism and/or modification. TL;DR: Only submit when you are 100% finished and happy with your. Once you have posted, put "WRITTEN BY (signature)" on the TALK PAGE only, so the judge(s) can figure out who wrote it after they all have been judged. Also, if you were given an image, post that on the page as well.
  3. Winner will have their story featured on the front page of the site for NOVEMBER of this year and receive a special contest-winning category tag which will (hopefully) be used to showcase other contest winning entries. (This is a free wiki, and I can't afford to sponsor prizes. Plus, this is pretty sweet regardless.)
  4. Time Limits: Deadline for receiving your Title/Picture is September 30th. Deadline for posting and tagging your entry is October 20th. This gives you almost fifty day to write up a storm.
  5. Word Count Limit: Soft cap of 1,000 words. That means it can go over, but I expect many to be under that. 1,000 words makes it Flash Fiction. 1,001+ is a Short Story.
  6. Special Notices:
  • No Plagiarism. You steal someone's work, you get banned.
  • No Horrible Troll Pastas, unless well written. That means no ALL CAPS stories or anything of the like.
  • Be creative and if possible try something new.
  • HAVE FUN WRITING. If you aren't enjoying what you're doing, chances are your story won't be an interesting read.

Stories will be judged on content and creativity in the relation of your title/picture to the content of the story. Please make sure you utilize proper grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as they may be counted against you in the content area, especially if they render the story unreadable.
