Creepypasta Wiki

K. Banning Kellum K. Banning Kellum 19 January 2017

New Story: The Doctor and the Coffin Song

Hey all,

Banning here, just wanted to post real quick that I wrote a new pasta today. It's one I've been working over in my mind for a while. It's called:

The Doctor and the Coffin Song

Since completing the Tobit series I've been wanting to focus again on stand-alone stories, so I hope you all enjoy!


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K. Banning Kellum K. Banning Kellum 31 December 2016

Tobit Shirts Available!

Hey all, Banning here to tell you all about the awesome merchandise currently available from All-Star Youtuber Creeparoni and also from me, Hyraaq Tobit t-shirts!

If you haven't checked out her Youtube page yet, by all means click HERE and subscribe for some amazing readings, including the very ambitious readings of almost my entire Tobit series (she intends to complete them all soon!)

Anyway, recently she decided to start selling merchandise, including a sweet horror coloring book as well as some very stellar shirts, to include a Hyraaq Tobit selection.

Her entire collection of merchandise can be viewed and purchased on her store Linked Here.

I mean, just check this beauty out and tell me you wouldn't want to rock this at your next cannibalis…

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K. Banning Kellum K. Banning Kellum 23 September 2016

Last and final Tobit story is posted!

Well, folks, my little story about a demonic city in Antarctica that I started over 2 years ago has finally reached the climax. 

Tobit: Hyraaq Tobit is up and posted.

In celebration, I have decided to post a bit of an afterward here, in thanks to all of you who have supported me during this long road.

Gratitude, that's what I felt as I clicked on the publish button today and finally put the last Tobit story on the site. First and foremost, thank you to my family, my wife Neomi and my son Tristan, who have been a constant support for me through all of this.

Next, a special thanks to my best friend and brother Mike Rucker, who has been my most constant and loyal reader since we were teenagers. Even back when I was writing stories on three-hole p…

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K. Banning Kellum K. Banning Kellum 13 March 2016

New Tobit Installment is Posted!

Wow! It's been a while since I've had time to do much writing. However, I finally decided it was time to get down to it and try to work on my series. I've felt the calling to get back into Delphia for some time, but as many of you know from my past complaints, my job keeps me very busy. However, thanks to tons of coffee and some support from my better half, (she always pushes me to succeed) I finally sat down and completed the 9th installment in my Tobit series. I give to you:

Tobit: The Champion Rises

This is my second to last one, meaning that the next Tobit story I post will be the series finale. I hope everyone enjoys and as always, I look forward to your feedback.

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K. Banning Kellum K. Banning Kellum 2 February 2016

There is no such thing as easy money!

So, I figured I would take a moment to sort of catch everyone up on where I've been and what I've been doing over the last two months. Perhaps you've all noticed that I haven't been very active around here lately, although I am trying very hard to change that. I've mentioned a few times that I started working for the Post Office at the start of December, and am still doing it now. Today was actually my one day off for the week, and after spending some quality time with my family and trying to relax a bit, I figured I'd post a blog to sort of explain my absense these last couple months, and speak a bit about what it is that I am up to. 

  • 1 No Easy Money
  • 2 Amazon is Ruining Lives
  • 3 You Work Until It's Done
  • 4 The Money is Real
  • 5 On Writing and Creepypas…

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