Creepypasta Wiki
  • Nominate this month's Pasta of the Month here

For those who are interested in the events of the June 2nd incident, please see this. We hope the victim makes a speedy recovery, and our thoughts are with the families affected.

Welcome to the Creepypasta Wiki.

You know the devil never dies, keeps coming back. But you gotta keep killing him.
—Margaret White, Carrie (2013)

Proudly hosting 13,150 of your worst nightmares since 2010.

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What is "Creepypasta"? In short, a creepypasta is a short story posted on the Internet that is designed to unnerve and shock the reader.

This wiki is primarily a database of various creepypasta. The goal is to have a fairly well stocked library of well-written creepypasta, including very obscure and rarely posted, to user-created original content.

First time readers of creepypasta should check out the Suggested Reading to become familiar with some of the more well-known and widely-referenced creepypastas.

Sorry, we no longer accept spinoffs or fan sequels of existing pastas (i.e. Jeff the Killer, Slenderman, The Rake, BEN and such) to be directly uploaded to this wiki, unless you wrote the original story yourself. We are also no longer accepting Minecraft, Pokémon, Zelda, or "haunted file/game" pastas.

Otherwise, get started by either going to the Genre Listing, image galleries, or by looking at a list of existing stories.

You can post your original content and then have it reviewed by the community later on; either on here or via the Writer's Workshop.

However, remember that over all things, we're a literature wikia. As such, we need to uphold certain quality standards. Please read our Quality Standards before submitting a story. If your story gets deleted, please read this thread, and use the pages linked in it. An Administrator will reply to your query as soon as possible.

The rights to all content posted here belong to the writers. Please do not attempt to use the stories in this wiki for your own personal profit. This wiki is non-profit and all stories are posted here for personal enjoyment. If your writing appears here and you wish to have it removed, please email or message an admin directly.

If you wish to appeal a ban, first contact the blocking admin via their talk page. Email the address above in the event an admin cannot be reached in a reasonable amount of time. Don't forget to read the rules before you contribute!

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